In preparation for you Certified Financial Planner Exam, it’s vitally important that you use the best CFP study materials that are available. Choosing the right books to review can make a huge difference on this very challenging test. Here is our overview of the best CFP study guides and review books.
Your Guide to the CFP Certification Exam. This book is the highest-rated CFP study guide on Amazon. In just 156 pages it provides information on how to prepare for the exam, unit summaries, 225 practice questions, and sample case studies with analysis. A great resource for your exam preparation. Available as a regular book or and ebook for your Kindle.
CFP Practice Question Workbook: 1,000 Practice Questions. As you prep for your CFP exam you should work through as many practice questions as possible. This CFP study guide by Matthew Brandeburg is the perfect way to accomplish this. This book has 100 review questions for each of the following topics: General Principles, Retirement & Employee Benefits, Insurance, Tax Planning, Investments, and Estate Planning. The remaining 400 questions are split between two full practice exams. Answers with detailed explanations are provided.
Wiley Study Guide for the CFP Exam: Complete Set. The Willey CFP study guide provides the most thorough review, covering every learning objective in great detail.
CFP Exam Calculation Workbook: 400+ Calculations. The Exam Calculation Workbook provides over 400 challenging calculation questions. It provides an opportunity for intensive practice with questions that are all test-level difficulty.