Choosing the right NCLEX-PN study guide is an important step in passing this difficult exam. While there are dozens of review books for sale, it is hard to know which one to buy. To make your choice easier, here is our analysis of the best NCLEX-PN study guides available. You can’t go wrong with any of these options: they all have a long track record of student success with consistently high reviews. We recommend these 3 guides:
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-PN The Saunders Review is the most popular NCLEX study guide and is a great choice for you test prep. The content review is extremely thorough and there are a total of 4,500 practice questions in the book and on the companion website. This includes hundreds of questions in the alternate item formats.
NCLEX-PN Exam Cram The Exam Cram book really focuses on exactly what you need to know to pass your exam. It has a great content review along with 400 samples test questions with answers and rationales. The CD features computer adaptive testing software to simulate the actual exam. For 5 more practice exams with 1,000 questions, get the companion book: Exam Cram Practice Questions.
NCLEX-PN Prep Plus: 2 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video. This is the best NCLEX-PN study guide that focuses on exam strategy. It does a nice job of teaching you how to break down each question, how to determine exactly what it is asking, and how to narrow down the possible answers. Also includes 2 practice tests and lots of online resources.