Finding the right NCLEX-RN study guide is the first step in passing this challenging exam. If you really want to pass it on your first try you need to buy the best study material available and spend some serious time on your test prep. There are dozens of NCLEX study guides for sale, but I would only consider getting one of the highest-rated review books. These are the 3 NCLEX study guides that I would recommend:
Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 6e. My top recommendation is Saunders Review, the best-selling NCLEX-RN study guide that has more five-star reviews than any other. This is an awesome book that includes a complete content review along with a total of 5,100 practice questions in the book and on the companion website. Each question includes the answer, the rationale, and a strategy to help you locate the correct answer. You can’t go wrong with this one!
Mosby’s Comprehensive Review of Nursing for the NCLEX-RN® Examination. The 20th Edition of the Mosby’s book is another great option. This also includes a companion CD and features a total of 4,200 questions. Fifteen percent of these questions are alternate item formats. Two full practice exams are included as well.
NCLEX-RN Questions and Answers Made Incredibly Easy. If you are just looking for as many practice questions as possible, then this is the NCLEX book for you. The book itself includes 3,000 questions and the online companion site has over 3,500 more, including audio questions and graphic option questions. Includes answers and rationales.